Video Production

Creating a dynamic platform that not only showcases the magazine's rich content but also elevates its brand identity within the competitive landscape of design publications.
A digital home for STARK - The King of Speakers, a universe of sonic magnificence entwined with unparalleled design flair.
TDS Australia created a dynamic modern website equipped with state-of-the-art landing pages for My Marketing Guru (MMG). We also crafted comprehensive social media content and video content, meticulously optimised across all social media platforms.
The website was the final piece in the World Resiliency Day/Week media campaign and acts as a platform for all resources, featuring a promo video, other small motion graphcis video clips and interview of ambassadors, as well as a dedicated resources page for free downloadable whitepapers and powerpoint presentation. Stylistically the website features big and bold headlines, strong visual contrast and a dynamic layout to capture attention and bring forward the message of the campaign.